Main Subjects = Combined Heat & Power Systems
Simulation Of Ramin Power Plant Cooling Towers operation and Consider Packing substitute in their Efficiency

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 06 June 2017


Amir Joodzadeh; Ebrahim Hajidavalloo

Optimum design of impingement cooling system using differential evolution algorithm in the 2D-Nozzle linear of a turbofan engine

Volume 14, Issue 2, May and June 2024, Pages 31-43


Behrooz Shahriari; Hamid Farrokhfal; Mehranali Azizi; Hamidreza ‌Bokaei

Optimizing the performance of solar water heater energy storage system using phase change materials

Volume 14, Issue 2, May and June 2024, Pages 95-110


Salman Ebrahimi; Vali Kalantar; Javad Abolfazli Esfahani

Comparative investigation of nanofluid heat transfer in vertical annular channel with cosine heat flux by experimental and numerical methods

Volume 13, Issue 4, September and October 2023, Pages 147-158


Mohammad Amin Borhani; Amir Saeed Shirani; Mansour Talebi; Javad Mokhtari

Tissue Temperature Control in a Bio-Heat Transfer Equation with the Conjugate Gradient Method

Volume 13, Issue 3, May and June 2023, Pages 159-170


Fahimeh Davoodi; Hojjat Ahsani Tehrani; Mohsen Nazari

Modelling and Optimization of Geometrical Parameters in Design of the Wavy-Fin-Plate Compact Heat Exchanger by Taguchi method

Volume 12, Issue 3, September and October 2022, Pages 89-101


E. Hosseinirad; V. Bidarian; F. Hormozi; M. Khoshvaght-Aliabadi

Experimental Investigation of the Forced Convective Heat Transfer of hybrid Cu / Fe3O4 Nanofluids

Volume 8, Issue 4, January 2019, Pages 229-238


M. Hossein Talebi; V. Kalantar; M. R. Nazari; H. Kargarsharifabad

Optimization of Radiation Shields Parameters in Multi-Layer Thermal Insulations

Volume 8, Issue 1, April 2018, Pages 71-81


M. Sedighi; B. Ghanbari Oranj; A. H. Jabbari Mostahsan

Stability Analysis of Natural Convection with Variable Physical Coefficients Using Linear Stability Theory

Volume 8, Issue 1, April 2018, Pages 157-169


M. Varmazyar; M. Miralam; M.R. Habibi; M. Dehghani Mobarake; A. Mohammadi

natural convection heat transfer of a nanofluid in a baffle L-Shaped cavity

Volume 6, Issue 3, September and October 2016, Pages 311-321


N. Alavi; T. Armaghani; E. Izadpanah