Main Subjects = control
Automatic landing drone using the anticipatory controller method

Volume 14, Issue 5, November and December 2024, Pages 137-153


Emad Andishmand; Ali Reza Ahangarani Farahani; Reza Esmaeilzade Aval

Guidance and control of the Pitch channel of an interceptor missile using neural sliding mode control

Volume 13, Issue 6, January and February 2024, Pages 59-73


Mohamad Mahdi Soori; Seyed Josein Soori

Control a class of fractional-order systems with delay in a specified sector

Volume 9, Issue 3, October 2019, Pages 51-63


N. Tahmasbi; H. Ahsani Tehrani; Y. Ordokhani

Optimal Control of Skid Steer Wheeled Mobile Robots by Analytical Approach

Volume 7, Issue 4, January 2018, Pages 135-145


M. Parhikhteh; O. Mohammadpour; A. Tavasoli

L1 adaptive controller design of a space system considering structural flexibility

Volume 6, Issue 2, July and August 2016, Pages 17-27


A. M Khoshnood; A. Sheibani; J. Roshanian; H. Moradi-Maryamnegari

Vehicle dynamics improvement using developed robust controller

Volume 6, Issue 4, January and February 2016, Pages 77-90


M. Goharimanesh; A. A. Akbari

Robust Impedance Control of a Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Robot Using Fuzzy Parameters

Volume 5, Issue 4, January and February 2016, Pages 83-95


V. Khoshdel; M. M. Fateh

Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of a robotic manipulator in task-space using voltage control strategy

Volume 5, Issue 3, September and October 2015, Pages 17-26


Mohammad Mehdi Fateh; H. Asrari; S. Khorashadizadeh

Robust and Adaptive Controller for Wind Turbine Blade Testing Machine

Volume 5, Issue 3, September and October 2015, Pages 27-38


Hassan Ghorashi; Behnam Moetakef Imani

Adaptive Fuzzy Control of a Mobile Manipulator Robot

Volume 5, Issue 2, July and August 2015, Pages 17-27


M. M. Fateh; M. Abedinzadeh Shahri

Improving the Accuracy of Crack Length Measurement in Clay Brick Using Machine Vision

Volume 5, Issue 2, July and August 2015, Pages 111-122


Kh. Khalili; M. Vahidnia; S. Khishe