Automatic landing drone using the anticipatory controller method


1 MSc, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Malik Ashtar University of Technology

3 Assist. Prof., Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Iran


Due to the drastic change in aerodynamic parameters, the problem of controlling the landing mode will be much more complicated than the high altitude flight. On the other hand, the presence of obstacles in the way of the bird's landing is another condition that should be considered in the design of the controller. Thus, according to the above, it is necessary to use the predictive controller to solve the problem. This controller inherently has a high resistance to model change. Also, if this controller is used in a restricted manner, it can be used to bypass obstacles in the path of movement during landing. The aim of this paper is to control the system for automatic landing by means of model-based pre-interlinear control. The reason for using the pre-interlinear controller is the presence of obstacles in the path of movement and the fulfillment of the constraints in the environment to remove the obstacles. As a final result, this controller is designed in such a way that the effect of external disturbances on the bird is minimized and the stability of the system is not jeopardized by the emergence of model uncertainties. Also, in this method, the effect caused by the delay of the external navigation system is taken into account in the closed loop system and the stability of the system is guaranteed. Finally, the proposed controller design is calculated for a real bird model and its performance simulation in the presence of obstacles, lateral and longitudinal wind is presented.


Main Subjects

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