Main Subjects = Aerodynamics
Experimental Study of Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge(DBD) Plasma Actuator as Virtual Winglet

Volume 14, Issue 1, March and April 2024, Pages 77-92


Rouhollah Khoshkhoo; Mahmood Mani; Sayyed Mohammadreza Salehi Abri; Masoumeh Aghaei Malekabadi

Numerical Simulation of Magneto-Hydrodynamics Effect on Supersonic Flow of A Projectile

Volume 13, Issue 5, November and December 2023, Pages 43-57


Amir Bagheri; Seyed Ali Tavakoli saboor; Mahmoud Pasandideh Fard; Ali Esmaeli

Development of the Conceptual Design Algorithm for Tactical Aerostat

Volume 13, Issue 2, May and June 2023, Pages 103-120


Ali Jafarian; Saeed Sarkheil; Vahab Haghighat Namini

Improvement aerodynamic performance of a wind turbine using injecting air jet and Taguchi optimization.

Volume 12, Issue 5, November and December 2022, Pages 215-235


Morteza Mohammadi; Mohammad Jawad Maghrebi

Experimental Investigation of wake on an elliptic cylinder in the presence of tripping wire

Volume 7, Issue 2, July and August 2017, Pages 149-163


A. Bak Khoshnevis; S. Nazari; M. J. Ezadi Yazdi

Analysis and modeling of aerodynamic pressure wave due to high-speed trains passage

Volume 6, Issue 3, September and October 2016, Pages 65-78


V. Sarafrazi; M. Talaee

Performance improvement of hybrid Darrieus-Savonius wind turbine

Volume 6, Issue 3, September and October 2016, Pages 195-212


A. Roshan; M. J. Maghrebi