On the use of J-integral criterion for fracture assessment of cracked rigid polyurethane foam loaded in mixed mode I/II and I/III


1 Department of Mechanical engineering, Yazd university

2 Department of mechanical engineering, Yazd university



The present study investigates and evaluates the J-integral criterion for rigid polyurethane foam using a cracked disk specimen subjected to bending with mixed mode I/II and I/III loading conditions. The primary objective of this study is to assess relationships for the J integral based on a new approach involving the strain energy density in a linear elastic material loaded under mixed mode conditions. To do so, the relevant relationships for a V-notch specimen are first derived and then extended to a cracked sample. The secondary aim of this research is to predict the fracture load using the J-integral criterion in mixed mode I/II and I/III loading conditions in rigid polyurethane foams. To validate the criterion, finite element modeling of a cracked disk specimen is carried out and the fracture load of the specimen under mixed mode I/II and I/III conditions is predicted according to the J-integral criterion. The results reveal the high accuracy of the criterion in predicting the fracture load of specimens under mixed mode conditions, with the maximum error percentage of 8%.


Main Subjects

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