Experimental study of combination of air and thermo-electric cooling methods to increase the operating time and reduce the temperature of the lithium ion battery


1 Semnan University

2 عضو هیات علمی

3 Department of Energy, Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran



Rechargeable batteries have an inseparable role in today's life, maintaining and increasing their lifespan has been one of the challenges of mankind. In this article, by examining and combining air cooling and thermoelectric modules,. The effect of temperature and different discharge rates is investigated in this article. The battery pack was made of aluminum block with dimensions of 30x10x6 cm. 48 lithium ion battery cells are placed on it. The arrangement of these cells was in the form of 4 rows in 12 columns. Considering the capacity of 2200 mAh and the voltage of 3.7 volts, the maximum power of the set is 390 Wh. The fan is placed at a distance of 60 cm from the set. The speed of the wind facing the pack was equal to 1.2 m/s. In the mode of simultaneous use of the fan and the thermoelectric module, the operating time has increased by 17.1% compared to the mode without the use of the fan and the thermoelectric module, and has reached 1900 seconds to 2300 seconds. The surface temperature of the set has decreased by 2 degrees in the mode of simultaneous use of the fan and the module. The amount of heat transfer by fan cooling system and thermoelectric module has improved by 15.2% compared to the case without fan and module. The Nusselt number has grown by 14.2% in the combined state compared to the basic state. By comparing the results the suitability of this cooling method has been confirmed.


Main Subjects

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