Solving the inverse problem of identifying internal boundaries and estimating the mechanical properties of materials using optimization methods in materials with variable modulus of elasticity
One of the applications of optimization methods is solving the inverse problems of identifying internal boundaries, estimating the mechanical properties of materials and etc. In most of the articles, due to the simplicity of the relationships, the cases where the material is a homogeneous body have been considered, But in industry, when two molten material are combined together, there is a possibility that the resulting material is non-homogeneous material.In this article, identifying the geometry of the irregular internal boundaries between three materials and estimating the mechanical properties is presented. The intermediate material has a variable modulus of elasticity. This problem has been studied by combining three methods of colonial competition algorithm, simplex and conjugated gradian method along with the numerical method of Boundary Elements Method. The effect of the type and hardness of the constituent materials of the non-homogeneous body and the effect of the geometry and position of the internal boudaries on the convergence have been investigated. The obtained results indicate the power and ability of the presented method to estimate unknown parameters.
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Mozaffari, M. H. , Naseri, R. and Zare Mehrjardi, M. (2023). Solving the inverse problem of identifying internal boundaries and estimating the mechanical properties of materials using optimization methods in materials with variable modulus of elasticity. Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13(2), 27-39. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12655.3692
Mozaffari, M. H. , , Naseri, R. , and Zare Mehrjardi, M. . "Solving the inverse problem of identifying internal boundaries and estimating the mechanical properties of materials using optimization methods in materials with variable modulus of elasticity", Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13, 2, 2023, 27-39. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12655.3692
Mozaffari, M. H., Naseri, R., Zare Mehrjardi, M. (2023). 'Solving the inverse problem of identifying internal boundaries and estimating the mechanical properties of materials using optimization methods in materials with variable modulus of elasticity', Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13(2), pp. 27-39. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12655.3692
M. H. Mozaffari , R. Naseri and M. Zare Mehrjardi, "Solving the inverse problem of identifying internal boundaries and estimating the mechanical properties of materials using optimization methods in materials with variable modulus of elasticity," Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13 2 (2023): 27-39, doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12655.3692
Mozaffari, M. H., Naseri, R., Zare Mehrjardi, M. Solving the inverse problem of identifying internal boundaries and estimating the mechanical properties of materials using optimization methods in materials with variable modulus of elasticity. Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 2023; 13(2): 27-39. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12655.3692