Investigating the effect of carbon fabric grammage on the mechanical and erosion properties of CFRP reinforced with ZrB2/SiC ceramic particles at a temperature of 3000°C


1 department of mechanical engineering, Malek Ashtar university, Tehran, Iran

2 Prof., Mech. Eng., Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Assoc. Prof., Mech. Eng Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


This research investigates the mechanical performance, ablation and oxidation of insulation based on carbon-epoxy Novalac 1179 reinforced with ZrB2/SiC ceramic particles with different grammage of fabric. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of carbon fabric grammage on epoxy novalac carbon insulation reinforced with ZrB2/SiC ceramic particles. Three samples including Novalac epoxy resin base with 60% SiC + 40% ZrB2 and 120, 200 and 600 gr/m2 of carbon fabric were made using hot press. The mechanical and thermal properties of insulation samples with different grammage using Oxyacetylene, bending and tensile tests were evaluated. To investigate the surface morphology, X-ray energy distribution elemental analysis (EDS) and SEM scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analysis have been used to identify the existing phases. The results showed that the mechanical properties and erosion resistance of the composite improved by increasing the grammage of the fabric. The biggest weight reduction and thickness reduction were in the insulation samples with 600 gr/m2 (G3) and 120 gr/m2 fabric(G1), respectively. Also, the G3 sample had the lowest temperature behind the insulation, below 150 degrees Celsius and had the highest mechanical properties, with 486.35 MPa of tensile strength and 677.18 MPa of bending strength. Finally, morphological studies showed that the presence of ZrB2/SiC particles leads to the creation of refractory phases such as ZrO2, SiO2 and ZrSIO4, which increase the resistance to hot erosion of carbon epoxy Novalac composites.


Main Subjects

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