Investigation of the simultaneous effect of laser shock peening and graphene oxide coating on residual stress and fatigue corrosion properties of IN792 alloy


1 Ph.D. Student, Mech. Eng., University of birjand, birjand, Iran

2 Prof., Mech. Eng., University of birjand, birjand, Iran

3 Assoc. Prof., Materials Eng., Birjand University of Technology ., birjand, Iran

4 Assis. Prof., Departement of Physics., Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran


Laser shock peening is a mechanical surface treatment that is caused by laser beam radiation on the surface of the metal. This processing causes plastic deformation, and compressive residual stresses under the surface of metal. In addition, applying nanostructure coatings is one of the new methods to increase the resistance of components under corrosive environment and high temperature. The purpose of this article is to investigate laser shock peening on residual stress and fatigue corrosion of Inconel 792 in 75% Na_2 SO_4+15% NaCl+10% V_2 O_5 environment. For this purpose, a number of samples were subjected to laser shock peening and another group was coated with graphene oxide before laser processing. Then, all the samples were subjected to corrosive environment at high temperature, and then the fatigue test was performed. The result of this research showed that the laser shock peening operation increased the fatigue life of this alloy for 2.4 times.


Main Subjects

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