Experimental investigation of the mechanical behavior of the core composed of polyurethane foam and scoria mineral pumice for use in explosive energy absorbent sandwich panels


1 Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran

2 Professor of Mechanics and Aerospace Department of Imam Hossein University

3 Imam Hossein Univ. for Training Officers & Guards

4 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran

5 Department of Mechanical Engineering Imam Hossein University



In this article, a new type of explosion energy absorbing sandwich panel has been introduced and studied experimentally. Its core is a combination of polyurethane foam and scoria mineral pumice with two different types of granulation. To study the behavior of this panels, 3 different types of tests have been performed. In the first series of tests, the matrix used in the core composition is selected. The selection criterion is the strength performance and energy absorption by the core of the sandwich panel. In the core matrix selection test, the performance of the core composed of polyurethane foam and mineral pumice is investigated under the load caused by free explosion. In the second series of experimental tests, material properties including stress-strain diagram and energy absorption efficiency of core, by pressure test and its results are presented. In the third series of tests, the mechanical behavior of the sheet and the maximum deflection of the back face have been evaluated. The composition of the new core has been studied, investigated and introduced, and it was approved according to the quality of energy absorption, lightness, strength, cost of preparation and easy production of the core with optimal energy absorption efficiency.


Main Subjects

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