In this paper, three-dimensional code has been developed to simulate the partial cavitating flow around projectiles with various heads (blunt, hemispherical, and conical) using the BEM. For this purpose, after generating the geometry using quadrilateral elements with four control points, using the integral expression of Green's theory, source and dipole have been distributed on elements, and using an iterative algorithm, simulation is done and results are compared with the available experimental data and other numerical results. Despite the low computational cost of this method, the results have a high accuracy and convergence rate. One of the main contributions of this work is to present a correlation between the properties of cavity around projectiles with different heads (in the limit of 0.075≤σ≤0.5). Also, Analysis of the results shows that the method has a suitable ability to predict the properties of cavitation flow at non-zero angles of attack (up to 8° angle of attack) in the shortest time. Of course, by increasing the angle of attack and getting away from the potential assumption, the results are associated with some errors (15% in geometrical characteristics and 12% in aerodynamic coefficients). Due to high convergence rate and acceptable accuracy, this method can be used for initial design and optimization of subsurface projectiles with cavitation.
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Nouroozi, M. , and Pasandideh-fard, M. . "A Three-Dimensional Potential-Based analysis for Partial cavitating Flow around Projectiles with Various Head Using BEM", Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13, 6, 2024, 153-167. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2024.13443.3771
Nouroozi, M., Pasandideh-fard, M. (2024). 'A Three-Dimensional Potential-Based analysis for Partial cavitating Flow around Projectiles with Various Head Using BEM', Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13(6), pp. 153-167. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2024.13443.3771
M. Nouroozi and M. Pasandideh-fard, "A Three-Dimensional Potential-Based analysis for Partial cavitating Flow around Projectiles with Various Head Using BEM," Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13 6 (2024): 153-167, doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2024.13443.3771
Nouroozi, M., Pasandideh-fard, M. A Three-Dimensional Potential-Based analysis for Partial cavitating Flow around Projectiles with Various Head Using BEM. Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 2024; 13(6): 153-167. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2024.13443.3771