Investigation of aspect ratio effect on focusing of Nano-bio particle in viscoelastic fluid


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran

2 department of mechanical engineering-yazd university-yazd-iran

3 Dielectrophoresisartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4, Canada


Nano-bio particle separation has been widely implemented in diagnosis and treatment in the medical area. Nano-bio particles such as virus, DNA, protein and exosome contain significant information that can help in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases like cancer. In this article, viscoelastic fluid in the OldRoyd-b model is simulated in a steady state in COMSOL 6.1 multiphysics In the first stage and to calculate the net of inertial lift force on the particles, a direct numerical approach has been implemented through coupling a FEM solver and a code developed in MATLAB. Considering quadrilateral geometry as an applicable microchannel, the aspect ratio effect on Nano-bio particles focusing in the viscoelastic fluid is investigated in a range of particle size of 100 to 1000 nanometer in Reynolds number 8 and polymer concentration 0.1%. Results show single line focusing has not been seen greatly in the channel with an aspect ratio greater than 1, but complete single line focusing has happened in channel with an aspect ratio of 1 in the dilute viscoelastic flow for particles greater than 500nm up to 1000nm.


Main Subjects

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