Analysis of fire development in a passenger car considering various insulation


1 Assoc. Prof., Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science &Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc graduate, Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science &Technology, Tehran, Iran



The This research was defined with the aim of analyzing combustion and development of fire in a passenger car with Pyrosim software, and it is intended to be a complete study on the optimization of the interior design material structure of the passenger car against fire, which will reduce the amount of casualties in the event of an accident. This work was done by simulating fire development by Pyrosim software and using experimental data. A reference model that has been subjected to fire testing in real scale was modeled in Pyrosim software. After validating the existing model and then changing the insulating materials used in the wagon body and seats, new insulations of compressed polystyrene, expanded polystyrene , stone wool and glass wool were used.The results showed that glass wool and stone wool insulation had a good performance against fire, that is, they showed a lower heat emission rate and recorded a lower development rate, and the internal temperature of the wagon and the amount of smoke reached the critical range over a longer period of time. Foams had a very poor performance and in addition to increasing the rate of heat release and internal temperature, they had a higher amount of soot production. It was concluded that from the point of view of optimal control of fire development, it is better to use glass wool or stone wool insulation in the car body and to use phenolic foam insulation in the interior design of the seat for passenger comfort.


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