This research aims to improve the aerodynamics performance of a NACA 23012 airfoil equipped with a High lift device by changing one of its most important geometric parameters. In this research, Navier-Stokes equations are solved in turbulent and incompressible flow conditions using Fluent software. After the airfoil and flap modeling process, at different flap angles (10 to 30 degrees), unstructured meshing was produced in Gambit software and the improvement of aerodynamics performance due to change in the geometric parameter of the slot lip was investigated. The flow is assumed to be steady, turbulent, and incompressible, and the algorithm for solving the equations is also selected as pressure-based. The flow Reynolds range is 3.6×106 and the turbulence model used is realizable k-epsilon. A comparison of the results and aerodynamics characteristics of the airfoil equipped with a flap after making a change in the geometric parameter shows that with the significant improvement of the aerodynamics coefficients (on average, an increase of 9% in the lift coefficient and also an increase of 6% in the drag coefficient), the landing distance of the airplane will be reduced. Also, the investigation of the pressure and velocity gradients at different stages shows that the change is effective and better distributed compared to the reference article.
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Izadi, M. , , Shams Taleghani, A. , and Khaki, R. . "Numerical Study of Slot Lip Effects on Aerodynamics Performance of a Two-Element Airfoil with the Approach of Decreasing the Landing Distance", Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13, 1, 2023, 99-109. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12278.3647
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M. Izadi , A. Shams Taleghani and R. Khaki, "Numerical Study of Slot Lip Effects on Aerodynamics Performance of a Two-Element Airfoil with the Approach of Decreasing the Landing Distance," Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 13 1 (2023): 99-109, doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12278.3647
Izadi, M., Shams Taleghani, A., Khaki, R. Numerical Study of Slot Lip Effects on Aerodynamics Performance of a Two-Element Airfoil with the Approach of Decreasing the Landing Distance. Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 2023; 13(1): 99-109. doi: 10.22044/jsfm.2023.12278.3647