Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Different Inflow Conditions on Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow Characteristics using Large-Eddy Simulation


1 Mechanical Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


In this study, the impacts of three different inflow conditions on turbulent boundary layer characteristics over a flat plate was numerically investigated. The investigated boundary conditions are uniform velocity profile at inlet with turbulent generation using strip, precursor-based simulation model (TVMF) and rescaling/recycling model purposed by Lund, which are applicable in large-eddy simulation (LES). The simulations are done using LES with dynamic smagorinsky coefficient in OpenFOAM software. Validation of the numerical method was done using direct numerical data and analytical solution. Comparison of the skin friction coefficient with analytical equation shows that the maximum deviation in simulations with precursor-based, Lund and strip model are 4.3%, 4.5%, 19.2% accordingly. The numerical values and development trend of intergral thicknesses, velocity components and the other characteristics obtained through simulations using precursor-based and Lund inlet models, are in good agreement with direct numerical simulation (DNS) results while the results obtained by using the strip model are more diverse from the DNS results. The results of this study indicate that using precursor-based and Lund inflow generation models in LES produces more realistic results accompanied with reduced computational cost.


Main Subjects

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