The effect of aspect ratio of model to prtotypein the load acting on cylinderin free surface problems



Keywords:The problem first must be dimensional analyized for considering analytic and dimensional problems with free surface. The reason for doing this study is that, nondimesional numbers to be determined. After determining these numbers in analitic considering, the collection of model and prototype must be choosen in a way that nondimensional numbers of prototype with nondimensional numbers of model be the same. In free surface problems, liquid is in touch with air and there are two fluids with different parameters, so there are many nondimensioal numbers in two phases. Unfortunatly in analitic considering the attention is paid only to one of these numbers. It must take into consideration if in analitic study all nondimensional numbers are not considering, it may the analitic results itself in small or big scale in ratio to the original sample have much diffrents with real amounts and the difference is depend on the scale of model.While a lot of scientistst have focused on the vertical surface-piercing circular cylinder in free surface flow,Therefore this research has paid attention to consider the effect of models scale on the results. This research shows that experimental results depend on scale of model.


Main Subjects

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